One-Litre F3 Historic Racing Association


Gallery Results 2012 07 July Brands Hatch

Gallery Results 2012 09 September Brands Hatch Indy

30th June - 1st July 2012 - Brands Hatch

Tim Kary Takes the HF3 Win at the Super Prix

HSCC Brands Hatch SuperPrix

Classic Racing Cars supported by the Cubicle Centre

July 1st 2012

Brands Hatch started slightly overcast but this gloom was much brightened by the appearance in the paddock of the 66 Tecno of Mark Witherspoon. With a Wednesday Mallory test satisfactorily behind it this car, once raced by Clay Regazzoni, looked absolutely superb.

 Those who had arrived early and opted for an untimed session on the Saturday morning, washed out trough heavy rain, may have realistically anticipated the same to happen in qualifying and so it did. The rain, the only real shower during the day, started about 5 minutes into the session and left those who had gone out for an early quick lap with the best positions. Ian Jones once again took pole from, an on form, Mike Freeman and Mike Scott and Paul McMorran. The grid saw seven HF3 cars grouped together, lead by Jim Chapman, followed by Ian Bankhurst, Chris Holland, Stuart Tizzard, Peter Thompson, Tim Kary, Leif Bosson and John Counsell.

At the start Ian Jones went off into an unassailable lead finally winning by over 11seconds from Martin Anslow who had worked his way up to second from 7th on the grid with Mike Freeman 3rd. In the HF3 section Tim Kary made a tremendous start from13th on the grid to 6th on the first lap. For the first few laps Chapman Kary and Tizzard fought over the honours of best HF3 but soon Chapman was dropped and Tizzard got the better of Kary somewhere round the circuit but it was always Kary who lead over the line. The winning margin over Stuart Tizzard was just 0.4 of a second. Jim Chapman dropped back from this battle and finished a slightly lonely 3rd (HF3). Chris Holland was an unfortunate retirement when he had to take avoidance action and the resultant spin forced him to watch the rest of the race from the Paddock gravel trap. Grant Saunders was another to have a good race from 18th on the grid, and despite the lack of a nose cone …" a bit of over ambitious overtaking"…, he came through the Formula Fords to challenge Ian Bankhurst for 10th place finishing less than 0.2 of a second behind. Leif Bosson, taking the car over to Sweden for a race directly after this one, had a slightly quiet race.

All in all a very good race despite being slightly shortened due to the impending circuit curfew.

 Keith Messer

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