One-Litre F3 Historic Racing Association

Latest News 2024



Exciting package announced for the Silverstone Finals

From Simon Etherington

Thanks to the sterling work by Mike O’Brien of Speedsport, I am delighted to be able to announce an exciting package for Association members at the Silverstone Finals on October 14/15 this year - consisting of subsidised race entry fees; a reception in the exclusive BRDC Clubhouse and a beautiful solid silver winner’s trophy.


Mike has secured sponsorship for the Silverstone Finals from Milton Keynes based MKM Building Supplies. This has enabled us to offer an entry fee subsidy of £225 per car, meaning that the entry fee is now only £330 – a sum already approved by the HSCC.


On the social side, Mike has organised a drinks Reception in the BRDC Building on the Saturday evening, to which each Association driver and one guest will have free access. The BRDC is an exclusive Club and we hope members will enjoy the opportunity of socialising in this very special and historic environment.


Mike has also arranged with the HSCC a generous pit garage allocation for us (potentially highly desirable in October), which will allow us to have all the Screamers together for the weekend. Each competitor will also receive a memento of the race weekend. More details will follow closer to the event. 


Finally, and as some of you will be aware, Mike’s wife Julia died in May last year after a long struggle with cancer. Mike (and ‘young Michael’) wanted to have a trophy in her memory and name. To that end, they have a lovely ornate, antique, and solid silver trophy which they have offered to the Association for presentation. This will be presented to the aggregate winner on the combined times of the Saturday and Sunday races (and in subsequent seasons thereafter). Apart from being a welcome addition to the Association’s trophies, I am sure Members would wish to join me in thanking Mike for this incredibly generous and kind gesture.


In conclusion, we believe that by finishing the 2023 season in a strong position, we can carry this momentum through to our sixtieth anniversary season in 2024.  Mike’s efforts have not only produced a very attractive package for the Silverstone Finals meeting, they also represent some very welcome support for the One-Litre F3 Historic Racing Association. I do hope all racing members will reciprocate by entering, in order that we may produce a full grid for the Silverstone Finals - and therefore a very fitting end to the season.