One-Litre F3 Historic Racing Association

60th Anniversary

The One-Litre F3 Historic Racing Association 60th Anniversary Video


“It was a hell of an era, a real sight to behold, especially at places like Goodwood and Silverstone – the really fast circuits. All the great drivers came through F3, particularly the ‘Screamer’ era that I was lucky enough to race in”Derek Bell MBE


2024 will mark 60 years since the Screamers first graced the tracks of the UK, Europe and elsewhere around the globe. Whilst Formula 3 has always been a feeder series for Formula 1, the one-litre era of 1964 to 1970 was significant in both the numbers of drivers it produced, as well as the contribution it made to the technical evolution which was underway in motor racing at this time. 

The drivers – unencumbered by the strictures of team orders and corporate demands – were able to focus on their racing. The camaraderie was intense. Often described as a band of brothers, drivers would travel through Europe, helping each other get to the next race, as the ‘need’ for start money (and, hopefully prize money), was often an essential component of being able to compete in the next race!

Spectators who were lucky enough to see them race in period, were treated to the sight and sound of these achingly beautiful cars being driven, on the limit, in some of the most close and exciting racing they have witnessed. We know this because we are blessed by the active involvement of some of those period drivers, along with a regular stream of members of the public who recount – with tremendous warmth – how they watched these cars in their youth!


Our 60th Anniversary celebrations have been designed to provide an opportunity for maximum participation by all those who want to be involved. There are three components, ‘Reunite’ – ‘Revive’ – ‘Race’, which make up our ‘Still Screaming at Sixty!’ celebrations, as set out below:

  •  REUNITE.  We wish to re-unite as many period drivers with their cars – and with their fellow drivers – as possible. Where those drivers are sadly no longer with us, we would like to welcome a next of kin, or family member, if they would like to be involved. Recognising the significant contribution of the manufacturers (Cooper, Brabham, Lotus, Matra, Tecno, Chevron, etc).), we would also welcome representation from them, as well as any of the Team Principles (or significant others).
  •  REVIVE. The one-litre F3 era has been described as ‘the pinnacle of the age of innocence’ (for the reasons described in the introduction above. We aim to showcase the drivers and their cars, and the significant contribution they made not only to Formula 3, but motorsport in general. We will do this at a series of events during 2024, as described below.
  •  RACE. The obvious place to see these cars in action is on the track! For 2024, we will be curating an exciting race calendar at the premier circuits in the UK and Europe where the cars raced in period. These events provide a perfect opportunity to gather together the period drivers, and other notables described above. There will also be a number of invitation-only events. 

Full details of the calendar will be published on this site as and when they are confirmed – so please check back regularly for updates! 


If you were one of those lucky individuals who drove a screamer in period; a family member; mechanic – or just a fan – we need to hear from you if you would like to be involved in the cdelebrations. If you are, please email stating who you are, your connection with the one-litre era, and how you would like to get involved.